A few travel grants will be available under the “Adopt a Scientist” sponsorship scheme.
These will be attributed in priority to students under the age of 35 who are the first author of a paper presented during the symposium (oral or poster).
The applications are now closed and the scientific committee and “Adopt a Scientist” sponsors will decide on the grant allocation and announce the names of the recipients by the end of February.
Two ISHS Young Minds Awards for junior scientists (students under the age of 35) will be given to the best oral presentation and the best poster.
A one-year complimentary membership of the ISHS and a Certificate will be awarded to the winners (https://www.ishs.org/young-minds-award)
The Scientific Committee will select one scientist who will be awarded this distinction in memory of Bernard Bieche, who was instrumental to the creation of AMITOM and WPTC and its cooperation with ISHS.